Superb setup, excellent feel, slick designing
albeit a finger-printmagnet for a cover, but more importantly - it takes care of
the N95 typing bug! :)And finally I have recieved the Stowaway Sierra Keyboard from the guys at iGo - the same guys who brought out the iGo Juice 70 and other coolstuff.
At first glance, the gleaming body itself lets you justify spendingyour hard-earned bucks on this great device. The external casing comesin a smooth fluid mettalic silver that gives it a really slick look(although it turns out to be quite a magnet for finger prints, but hey! who’s perfect??)
Press the button at the middle and it opens up like a book and unfolds into all it’s glory..This star performer of ours turns out to be quite different wonder they said never to judge a book by it’s cover!
The gleaming metal outside gives way to a black matt finish insidewhile opening up to a 100% full size keyboard, complete with a 5 rowkeyboard including dedicated numerical keys - all this while managing to weigh a mere 6 oz!! ( i bet all u models out there envy this :D)
The drivers for the Sierra are available over the air, made availableby iGo. But it sems they haven’t updated the their site with the n95drivers - as yet(hope it does come soon).
The range for this device is very good even though we wouldn’t need it… how far away would it be possible for you to sit and read fromyour tiny mobile screen!
Of course it is possible to connect the N95 to a TV screen, which when used along with the Sierra would give you a real neat computing experience - whether it’s for gaming or surfin’ the net or blogging!
Just make sure you’ve got a spare AAA battery incase the charge dies out while you’re shooting up people in GTA or driving thru in NFS or ..[bated breath]..busy blogging!!
Also available is the unboxing ceremony of the Sierra Bluetooth Keyboard sent to me by iGo - the makers of the original Stowaway portable keyboard.
View it Here!
Courtesy Symbia.
Pics by DiLin.