If you’re running an iPhone that is jailbroken, you may be opening up loopholes on your iPhone. Today, a second worm has been unearthed to be spreading on to jailbroken iPhones. The company F-Secure has found a second variation of worm on the iPhone and this version is not looking pretty. The first iPhone worm was called ‘ikee’ and had no purpose other than to highlight the problems of iPhone security. User’s iPhones would be subject to a picture of Rick Astley from the 1980s, surely more than enough to annoy the user. This worm also targeted users that had SSH enabled on their phones.
The worm which has new intentions of financial gain is especially targeting iPhone users in the Netherlands. The users in this country are using their iPhones to do online banking with the bank ING. The online activities are a breading ground for hackers to try and infiltrate your cash. The worm installs itself on the jailbroken iPhones and then gos about directing you to a look-a-like ING banking website which inturn captures all of your inputted information. Without you knowing, you are opening up your financial status. Users that are especially at risk are users that have installed SSH functionality along with jailbreaking their iPhones. If you want some protection from the bugs out there, we recommend you change your SSH root password on your iPhone. We also say if you live in the netherlands, you should refrain from using a popular wi-fi hotspot as the worm can spread very quickly.
At the minute, the virus is fairly locked inside the Netherlands but with two viruses hitting the iPhone within such a short period of time, we can hazard a guess at what may happen. With such a new trend, it’s sure to say that others will be on the bandwagon soon to try and cash in on the security problem. For now the only way to sleep well at night is to keep your iPhone just as it came in the box.