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I thought they’d banned cloning !

Posted by jestin Thursday, September 17, 2009

I thought theyd banned cloning !This phone is the E-PDA V16 from China. It has a 3-inch QVGA LCD touch screen, a 3 Megapixel camera, and Bluetooth connectivity. It supports also hand-writing recognition, and dual sim cards. No, don’t expect the device to have WiFi as N95 do. The E-PDA V16 does support microSD memory cards. As the other “PDA phones” from China, the V16 supports music and video playback too.But that’s almost a defacto standard for any phone these days.

It looks very much like the N95 but it ain’t a slider so it’s not worth comparing to n95s dual slide.The E-PDA V16 is bigger in size while the screen size is also bigger. But it is nowhere near the build quality of the n95 screen which mysteriously seems to be scratch proof too.

Though the price of E-PDA V16 is 1/3 of N95’sI thought theyd banned cloning ! price, it’s functions and features are acceptable,atleast for the normal users.

I‘d like to make something clear, the kinda people who buy a n95 aren’t the normal folk who buy a smartphone just to flaunt it, or 2 do the most boring thing which it’s designed for (read as talking). The dudes and dudetes who buy an N95 are people who have a passion for things that rock ur world, things that are at the edge of technology, things like the N95.
If you think otherwise feel free to drop in a message.

Courtesy S603rd PileUp.

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