It is probably quite disappointing for Google to see that Android 6.0 Marshmallow is on just 2.3 per cent of all devices rocking the Android platform. It is quite an embarrassing figure considering Marshmallow has been on the market for six months. Comparable time frames for iOS see adoption rates over 75%, while even Microsoft’s ailing Windows demolishes Android in terms of consumer adoption to latest builds.
The fragmented nature of Android continues to be a problem for Google, but OEM’s do not seem to be bothered about keeping devices on older builds for longer than is needed.
Lollipop is now the most popular build with 37.1% of the market, but it is stunning (in a bad way) that the near half decade old Android Jelly Bean still accounts for 22.3% of the market. Yes, Marshmallow’s popularity will only grow from here, but by time it takes a proper majority hold of the space, Android 7.0 N will already be launched.